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Three Questions to Ask Your Plumber

Three Questions to Ask Your Plumber

When you’ve decided it’s time to call a plumber for an issue in your home, you may feel like the situation is already out of control. When you call your local plumber for assistance, you may only be thinking about what the problem is and not necessarily what questions to ask that will get you the best results. Here are some helpful things to ask your plumber when you call for services:

  1. Is it an emergency?
    • Many people call a plumber thinking that the situation is a big emergency when it might not truly be. For example, a broken garbage disposal might need attention, but that doesn’t really require a midnight call to your local plumber. If your bathroom is flooding due to a broken pipe, however, that definitely would be something to call about right away.
  2. Is the repair complicated?
    • Depending on the issue that you are calling your plumber about, you might want to ask whether the repair is something complicated. Why ask this? Truthfully, what might seem like an overwhelming project for us might be a simple fix for your plumber. Giving them details about the issue will help them know whether it is something that can be resolved quickly.
  3. Do I need to do anything for maintenance?
    • Like most plumbing fixtures, if you have to call about a repair or replacement, you’ll want to get the most out of the repair. Asking your plumber about the best ways to maintain your plumbing fixtures and appliances will help you save money overall. It never hurts to have professional advice!
  4. At Rainbow Plumbing & Heating, we know that plumbing problems can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, we have more than 30 years of experience helping our clients with their plumbing needs. today to inquire about plumbing services!